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What We Support

Feed Ontario

Feed Ontario is a network serving 130 Food Banks in every corner of Ontario from securing fresh and healthy food sources, to driving change through policy research and innovative programming, Feed Ontario unites Food Banks, industry partners and local communities in their work to end hunger and poverty.

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Endowed bursary funds – Ontario Community Colleges

Beginning in 2013, The Masonic Foundation of Ontario began a 10-year program to establish endowed bursaries in each of the 26 Community Colleges in Ontario. Each year, a total of $100,000 is invested to establish permanent bursaries at 4 Community Colleges.

Medical Research

Prostate Cancer Research – Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among Canadian men and is the third leading cause of death from cancer of men in Canada.  The funding of The Masonic Foundation of Ontario is directed to the funding of research which will contribute to expanding the knowledge base associated with this disease and to advancements in diagnosis and treatment.

Autism Services – Enhancing the quality of life of persons with Autism.  Over one in sixty Canadian children now live with autism, a complex, life long, neurological disorder characterized by a wide range of communication, social, learning and behavioural challenges.  Giant Steps, a unique school and therapy centre for children is focused on the specialized and individualized programming needed by children today to positively impact their futures as adults tomorrow. 


Masonichip Foundation of Ontario

A child identification program sponsored by the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario, uses modern, police-approved techniques to create child identification kits for children.

Youth Organizations

The Masonic Foundation of Ontario demonstrates interest in the well being of young people by supporting youth groups and programs who, by their interest in mankind, will be at the forefront in making the world better for future generations. We support Scouts Canada, Girl Guides of Canada, DeMolay Canada, The Internation Order of Rainbow Girls Canada and 4-H Ontario.

Special Projects undertaken by Masonic Districts and Lodges

District Projects were initiated by the Foundation in 1973.  These more local projects are identified by lodges and districts and must be in support of qualified charitable organizations and must be approved by the Foundation.  The projects typically run for one year but can be for a longer period.  The Foundation provides a top-up amount of 10% of the amount locally raised to a maximum of $1,000.  District charitable projects raise in excess of $200,000 annually across Ontario.  

Grand Masters Charity
University Partnerships

It is customary for the Grand Master to choose a charity which Masons may support should they choose. M.W. Bro. David J. Cameron has decided to expand upon the project started by M.W. Bro. Raymond S. J. Daniels. He had the vision to establish a university centre for the study of Freemasonry and fraternalism. He envisioned a relationship that would include lectures, courses, conferences and scholarships, and the opportunity for cross-pollination between academics and Freemasons. From his efforts, there is now the largest public lecture that Brock University has, an undergraduate course, and a scholarship for a promising student to study at the Master’s level. His vision has not only borne fruit, but seedlings are starting to germinate at other universities.

And so the Grand Masters charity is called University Partnerships and has the number 2937 with the Masonic Foundation of Ontario. It will continue with the same high aims, but will also allow for similar endeavours elsewhere.

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